Best Stocks For Your AR15 When you build your custom AR, you get to choose the parts that suit you, and make your gun the best that you can own. You can choose calibers, barrel lengths, uppers, magazines, handguards and so on, but the one part that people sometimes don’t fully consider is the stock. […]
Author: Hendricks
Getting The Best Pistol Grip For Your AR-10 / AR-15
Choosing A Pistol Grip For Your AR Rifle When you build a custom AR, you will quickly discover that some parts are simply off the shelf and others provide a well thought out product with the user in mind. There are a huge range of grips available and you can make your custom AR not […]
Hunting With An AR Rifle
Using An AR-10 Or AR-15 For Hunting While the AR was originally conceived as a tactical weapon, the ability to customize it means that it can be slotted into almost any weapon category, and a growing number of serious hunters are now turning towards this excellent weapon. But if you are considering building an AR […]
Should I Use An 80% Lower Jig For My AR Build?
Using A Jig to Build An AR-10 or AR-15 Building your own AR rifle is an enormously rewarding experience and you can go about it any way that you like. You don’t have to follow convention, but if you actually ask your self if you should use a jig, then all the expert gun builders […]
Maintaining Your AR-10/AR-15 Magazine
Ar-10/Ar-15 Magazine Maintenance It’s a sad fact that while we use our AR’s day in and day out, and clean them meticulously, we sometimes forget to be as careful as we should be with the magazines. We just keep loading in rounds and then unloading them in our desired mode of shooting, occasionally giving the […]
Make Your Own Ar-10 Or Ar-15 Rifle
How To Build Your Own AR10, .308 or Ar15 Rifle Making your own gun can not only give you a sense of accomplishment, but will allow you to understand all the inner workings of it. AR10 and Ar15 owners love to work on their guns and, luckily, the AR rifle is a gun that has […]
Tools And Parts To Build An AR-10 Rifle
These Are The Tools You Need To Build An AR-10 Rifle You can almost imagine Eugene Stoner designing the AR10 specifically so that it can be modified and customized, such is the ease with which it can be done. There are now so many parts on the market that it has actually become bewildering, and […]
What Are The Benefits Of A Free-Float Handguard?
Why Use A Free Float Handguard? The hand-guard is the section that surrounds the barrel, and well….guards your hand against the built-up heat of the barrel under firing conditions. They are a practical addition that allows you to use the AR in any mode and in perfect comfort and safety. The beauty of an AR15 […]
Mil-Spec Explained
What Is A Mil-Spec AR? When talking about AR’s the term ‘Mil-Spec seems to be cropping up with increasing regularity, and is usually used onerously. With many gun owners having a military background, it’s probably best to understand what this phrase means and how it relates to AR’s in general. “Mil Spec” is an […]
10 Best Calibers For An AR Rifle
What’s The Right AR Rifle Caliber For You? One of the most exciting things about the AR is its ability to chamber different rounds with work as simple as changing the Upper Receiver assembly and the top half of the gun, thereby giving you a weapon with a whole new set of capabilities. This flexibility […]