Buying An 80 Percent Lower Receiver Most people who have built there own AR have done so, because they realized building from the ground up will make the perfect weapon designed just for them. But others may not see it this way, and may think that the extra effort is a waste of time. […]
Year: 2020

An Introduction To Buffers And Springs
What You Need To Know About Buffers And Springs Buffers and springs don’t sound too much like important parts of your AR, but like everything else in your bolt carrier group (BCG), if you didn’t have them, you wouldn’t be getting very far with your gun. Buffers and buffer springs are a sub-assembly within […]

AR Rifle Legal Barrel Length
What Is the Legal Length of An AR Rifle Barrel? The AR barrel, is a beautiful piece of engineering that forms the cherry on top of the complex cake that is your customized gun. Without your barrel, all those other little modifications become fairly pointless, and your gun practically useless. It’s easy to think […]

What You Should Know About Your AR-10
Some Important Facts Before You Build An AR-10/.308 Experienced rifle builders are well aware of the potential with the AR-15 with its huge range of interchangeable parts. Upper and lower receivers always seem to fit together well, parts kits match up with BCGs every time, and every .223 or 5.56 NATO barrel and chamber […]

Solutions For AR-15 And .308 Rifle Upgrade Problems
Solutions for AR Rifle Upgrade Problems The main advantage of the AR10/15 is their adaptability, and the ease with which you can update and customize them. Unfortunately, that can also be their major weakness, as the sheer range of aftermarket parts can mean that sometimes you end up with a bit that doesn’t fit properly. […]

Three Things That Help Keep Your AR From Overheating
Why Your AR Overheats, and How to Stop It! There is little more annoying that an overheating gun in your hands; you want to try and zero in on another target but you end up playing ‘hot potato’ with it instead! What can you do about it? The AR was conceived as a […]

What’s The Best Barrel For Your AR?
Getting The Perfect Barrel For An AR Rifle The main problem is that there are so many out barrels out there on the market that the sheer weight of information makes picking what is best for your set-up kind of tricky. It’s not helped by the fact that there is a lot of advertising dollars […]

Getting The Right AR Rifle Charging Handle
Finding The Perfect Charging Handle If you have purchased you AR rifle off the shelf, rather than having created it from a pile of parts, then you will be at a bit of a disadvantage. The standard charging handle is a mil-spec model, but may not be up to the challenge if you are […]

Finding The Best Upper For Your AR15, .308 Rifle
Getting The Right AR Upper Here on this site, we talk a lot about lower receivers, and 80% lowers in particular because, if you are building your custom AR, that is where you tend to start, and all other parts build up onto it. We don’t, frankly, give enough air time to upper receivers, […]